#ASRoma #SevillaFC #EuropaLeagueFinal2023 #Budapest #penaltyshootout #Sevillafansrunonthepitch
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2023-05-31 Sevilla-AS Roma 1-1 in Europa League Final, the penalty shoot-out

Bono ❤️🏆
Suerte para este año, Roma. AntiLazio.
FC Porto💙🤍
congrats taylor
Var skandalı ile kupayı hile ile ispanyol takımına verdiler
Abbruzzi a casa
Taylor te devi sveglia' freddo. Li mortacci tuoi
Bono reste à Séville ❤❤
They are better in shooting chairs than penalties
Congrats Sevilla!!
how much did the referee cost?
Sevilla ❤ pitch invasión ❤❤
Sei sempre grande Bono
Finalmente un video caricato bene
Bono is magic.🦸🦸🦸♀
Bono ❤💚
Arbitro scandaloso e venduto
Cinquanta romanisti contro una donna e una ragazzina 😆😆😆 che ragazzetti coraggiosi 😆😆😆
Grazie Siviglia 🦅🤍💙
The amendment, which was introduced in the IFAB’s 2023/24 law changes report, states that goalkeepers “must not behave in a way that unfairly distracts the kicker.” This includes delaying the taking of the penalty shot or touching the posts, crossbar or net.
Now why this rule was not applied and the two feet yes? Two sets of rules?
el rigor decisivo no tenia que ser calciato dos veces. Arbitraje escandalo. Roma no lo mereces. Sevilla podria ganar ugual. Asì me da rabia. Que malo el arbitraje.
Que grande fc sevilla ❤
Why Sevilla shot two times in a row ?
Sevilla my love