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The Bahamas Offshore Company

The Bahamas is a chain of islands comprising 5,358 square miles, located 40-50 miles east of Florida, it has a population of 300,000. Most Bahamians live in two major urban centers: Nassau (its capital) and Freeport.

The Bahamas is a member of the British Commonwealth, but maintains absolute independence in government matters (Government of the Bahamas). It is well served by International Accountants, International Banks, and long established Law Firms, and an advanced telecommunications service.

Apart from tourism, the Banking and Finance sector is the second most important aspect of the Bahamian economy. The Bahamas is one of the largest offshore financial centers in the hemisphere with over 400 banks, trust companies and other licensed financial institutions. It is renowned for its tax haven status and banking secrecy. Since the International Business Companies Act 1989 came into effect in 1990, The Bahamas has become one of the most popular areas for registering an I.B.C. (Banks and Trust companies in the Bahamas).

Advantages of Bahamas Offshore Companies (IBC’s)

The IBC: The International Business Companies Act established a corporate entity, which requires the minimum of administration. Total secrecy and anonymity is maintained, and there is no need to disclose the beneficial owners of the Company. There is no requirement to file annual returns or financial statements, or to hold annual general meetings of the shareholders or directors. Meetings of shareholders and/or directors may be held in any country and same may attend meetings by proxy or by electronic means (telephone, facsimile etc.).

Proposed Names

The word «Limited» may be used in a Company’s name. However, use of the following words is restricted: «Assurance», «Bank», «Building Society», «Chamber of Commerce», «Chartered», «Cooperative», «Imperial», «Insurance», «Municipal», «Royal», «Trust», or any word conveying a similar meaning. Endings such as «Limited», «Incorporated», «Société Anonyme», or «Sociedad Anónima» or its abbreviations may be used.

Shelf Companies

There is a number of existing offshore companies for sale. These offshore companies have never traded or engaged in any transaction whatsoever.


The standard capital is $50,000.00 USD, divided into 50,000 shares of $1.00 USD each which may be issued as Bearer or as Registered shares, at the discretion of the Directors. Capital up to the equivalent of $50,000.00 USD attracts the smallest license fee – $250.00 USD.
Directors Meetings may be held in any part of the world. There are no limitations as to their number or nationality of shareholders.


Bearer, Nominative, par or no par value shares, as desired.

Shareholders Meetings

Shareholders’ meetings may be held in any part of the world. The format will depend on what is set forth in the Articles of Association.

Registered Agent/Registered Office

The IBC Act requires that every offshore company (IBC) have a Registered Office and a Registered Agent, qualified to act as such, in The Bahamas. In our standard Memorandum of Association, our own office is the Registered Office and we act as the Registered Agent of the IBC in The Bahamas.


Income of IBCs is exempt from income tax in The Bahamas. This includes all dividends, interest, rents, royalties, compensations, capital gains realized with respect to any shares, debt obligations or other securities, and any other amounts paid to the company. In addition to this, no estate, inheritance, succession or gift tax, rate, duty, levy or other charge is payable with respect to shares, debt obligations or other securities of a company incorporated under the IBC Act.


An IBC, being an offshore company, is a company that cannot:

  • Carry on business with residents of The Bahamas;
  • Own an interest in real property situated in The Bahamas or a lease of real property other than a lease of property for use as an office from which to communicate with members or where books and records of the company are prepared or maintained;
  • Carry on banking and/or trust business;
  • Carry on business as an insurance or reinsurance company; or
  • Carry on the business of providing the registered office for companies

Camisetas Nigeria Toda la información y última hora sobre Futbol gallego. Noticias, eventos, reportajes y artículos de opinión

Another Culture of Benidorm, Alfas Del Pi, Alicante and the Costa Blanca

Some years ago I wrote a piece entitled A Culture of Benidorm. I wanted the article to register the fact that the Costa Blanca´s principal mass tourism resort could offer much more than mass tourism, a resort, a one euro pint of beer and a reheated British Sunday lunch with Y pud and real Bisto gravy. At the time, plans were afoot to build a new cultural centre in the town and a while later work did indeed start. Economic hardship coupled with political hiatus conspired to stall the project for over a decade, but now work has restarted and we nearby residents can look forward to another cultural venue within ten minutes of our collective front doors.

But in this article, I merely want to describe a cultural experience of four days from 13 February to 17 February 2020. Benidorm is nearby, but these four days were spent in Alfas del Pi and Alicante and were devoted to four concerts, three in Alfas del Pi and one in Alicante. My motive is entirely personal. I am not trying to promote the areas and I have no financial interest in either the location or the events. I do, however, I admit to being President of La Sociedad de Conciertos de Musica Clasica de Alfas del Pi, who hosted three of these four concerts and I gladly acknowledge the fact that our non-profit concert society would not exist without financial support from the Ajuntament de Alfas del Pi. But I restate that my intentions remain personal. For 45 years I have kept a commonplace book and I regularly write reviews of books, concerts, exhibitions, travel and much else in its pages. It is not and never has been a diary, though it is definitely an aide memoir. In this case, such was the quality of the music played that I have decided to publish this commonplace book entry to publicize the supreme achievements of these performers. It will also illustrate what is available to residents of this area, even before the new cultural centre in Benidorm comes on stream.

The Alfas del Pi music Society operates for eight months of each year and is now in its twelfth season. We have presented almost 300 concerts and have settled into a pattern of doing three concerts a month in different locations, basically over an extended weekend. On Thursdays we are hosted by Forum Mare Nostrum, a residential complex in the town. On Saturdays we occupy the town´s Casa Cultura and then on Sunday lunchtime we present a concert in the Centro Social in the beach resort of Albir. For those who do not know this area, I will offer the context that Alas del Pi is a town of 20,000 people of whom 50% are foreigners. Alfas includes a beach area called Albir, which serves mainly a residential rather than tourist population. Alfas is between the more famous Altea and the beach destination for millions of tourists each year, Benidorm. From the tourist areas of Benidorm, Alfas and Albir are just 10 minutes by car and there is a regular bus service between the towns, which are some 40 km or so north of Alicante, a city to which we are connected by a motorway, whose tolls were generously removed at the start of this year, making the journey into town just half an hour.

This musical journey began on Thursday 13 February 2020, with our society´s concert in Forum Mare Nostrum. The duo performing were Joaquin Palomares, violin, and Elena Segura, piano. Both teach at the music conservatory in Murcia and Joaquin has been vice president and artistic director of our society since it began.

The duo programmed three challenging and very different violin sonatas, beginning with, for our audience, the unfamiliar sonata by Leos Janacek. Personally, I have been hooked on the Czech composer´s music for over 50 years and would claim to know not every, but certainly most notes of this work. Like all Janacek, this is music of introversion, of doubt and conscience. But it is also passionate, thoroughly modern and full of energy. This is music of 1920´s cubism, where something utterly familiar, a folk tune, a minuscule repeated phrase, is seen from multiple, simultaneous perspectives. The music, like the art, recognizes how little we humans actually know about anything, perhaps most of all about ourselves, and the work ends almost apologetically, appearing to be sorry for having occupied our time.

Joaquin and Elena followed with the single movement sonata by Granados. Its visual equivalent is surely the symbolist painters of the turn of the 20th century. But in the case of Granados, the overtly Spanish feel in the harmonies, coupled with its vivid colours surely suggests the painting of Sorolla, a Valencian artist, who is a superstar in Spain but little-known elsewhere, apart from New York where he painted an immense commission for the Hispanic Society of America. The music is almost an homage to Debussy and reminds us that Granados was perhaps the most international of the Spanish composers of that era, and his sophistication is ever present in his music.

Joaquin Palomares and Elena Segura ended their recital with the monumental sonata of Cesar Franck. This is surely the impressionism of Manet in sound, a vast canvas reminiscent of Le Dejeuner sur l´herbe, where apparently straight-laced besuited gentlemen recline alongside a naked woman who seems to be less than interested in the proceedings. The sonata´s passionate lines are similarly kept in check by the formalism, the imposed decorum of the work´s construction. The music is always trying to burst into full-blown emotion, but some controlling reserve always seems to button up its collar, smooth down its skirt, as if it has been discovered in flagrante delicto. Joaquin and Elena offered Massenet´s Meditation of Thais and a little sentimental Portuguese song as encores before the audience adjourned to their wine-lubricated conversation with the performers.

Friday 14 February, besides being Valentine´s Day, was also a date for a concert in Alicante´s recently-built ADDA concert hall. It is a beautiful venue, seating an audience of over a thousand amid a perfect acoustic. And, for just over a year, we have had our own resident orchestra to present about two thirds of the concerts in the annual subscription series. The hall, by the way, and the orchestra, though new, is utterly adored by its public This is an orchestra that has become used to being applauded onto as well as off the stage. It is a great tribute to the work of artistic director, Josep Vicent – another Costa Blanca local – to have established and directed such a wonderful new orchestra in such a short time.

But this time he was not directing, and gave way to Alvaro Albiach, who was superb. They began with Ibert´s Homage to Mozart, a surrealistic joke of a piece. Marta Espinos then joined the ADDA orchestra to perform Sonata del Sur, the opus 52 of Alicante composer, Oscar Espla. It is a piece that mixes French idiom with its Spanish signature and also regularly dips into jazz. This was truly surprising music, wonderfully played and enthusiastically received. The concert concluded with Mozart´s Jupiter Symphony, number 41, in a performance full of energy and attack. Personally, I am no great fan of Mozart, but here the pedestrian formalism that often characterises performances of his music was thankfully lacking and the players´ enthusiasm was palpable.

And so we move on to Saturday 15 February and also back to Alfas del Pi´s Casa Cultura for a much anticipated visit by Trio Metamorphosi from Italy to play a concert in honour of the 250th anniversary of Beethoven´s birth. The three works they performed were the Variations, opus 44, the Trio, opus 1 number 3, and the Archduke. The Trio Metamorphosi comprises a violinist from Milan and brothers from Terni near Rome and they have been playing together for many years. Chosen by Decca to record the piano trios of Beethoven in honour of his 250th anniversary, they have devoted the last four years to preparing, playing, performing and recording this music. The degree of communication they achieved and the perfection of ensemble they exhibited kept the audience in a rapt silence that allowed every note to make its point, every phrase to tell its story. It was perfect to the extent that we all felt completely part of the music making. This was not merely performers and audience. This was truly a shared experience by everyone in the hall. And the sense of sharing was only enhanced when the musicians joined their audience for refreshments at the interval and to sign copies of their cds at the end, recordings they offered at truly bargain prices. It´s a concert that will live long in the memory, not least for the choice of encore because, after an hour and a half of Beethoven, the group chose a movement from the Piano Trio of Leonard Bernstein, stylistically quite different, but still profound in its rather stand-offish, twentieth century way.

Sunday 16 February was the last concert of our extended weekend. At midday the weather was particularly unlike the Costa Blanca norm. After several days of sunshine and elevated temperatures, a sudden cool air stream drenched our coast in a fog. A fretting sea kept out the sun and temperatures were once again wintry, where they really ought to have been all along.

But the weather did not affect our pair of Spanish pianists, Antonio Soria and Claudia Sevilla, who were to present a programme of four hands piano with a Spanish flavour. They began with a Sonata by Joaquin Tadeo de Murghia. My own collection of recordings now numbers almost 30,000 and I don’t tend to repeat myself by holding multiple copies of a piece. But Joaquin Tadeo does not figure amongst the four thousand plus composers in the list, so this was new territory for all concerned, except the performers. If ever one needed a reminder as to why live performance can never be replaced by a diet comprising only recordings then this was it. The music is broadly classical, a cross between Mozart and early Beethoven, on the piano similar to Fernando Sor on the guitar. They followed with a veritable gem in La Procession du Rocio, opus 9, of Joaquin Turina. Anyone who has not yet discovered the music of Turina, certainly Spain’s greatest composer of the modern era, should take time to research this genius. Antonio Soria certainly knows something about Turina’s music because back in the 1990s he recorded on 16 cds the composer’s entire piano music. This brilliant, vivid piece truly lit up a still dull day.

They followed with a Zapateado of Anton Garcia Abril. Almost minimalist in style, its driving rhythms drilled home its presence with considerable force. This was again music to cut through the day’s greyness with a vivid swathe of colour. Next came Montsalvatge’s Three Divertimenti on Themes by Forgotten Authors. This surprising and inspired music was perhaps the high point of the four days. Laden with humour, verging on the intellectual kitsch, Montsalvatge plays with the audience’s expectation, memories and predilections. These pieces are full of familiar melodies, but they are somehow presented as if via a distorting mirror, recoloured, like threatening jokes. The final piece, presented as a waltz-jota was bitonal, with the two pianists apparently together and yet musically completely apart. Antonio Soria later likened Montsalvatge’s music to the paintings of Picasso. I could see his point, but for me they are closer to the oeuvre of Miro, because of their brilliance of colour and the simplified familiarity of much of the shapes.

A final work was the Rhapsodie Español of Ravel. Of all the works listed thus far, this is perhaps the most difficult, the hardest to penetrate. Some years ago, I attended a concert of Ravel’s piano music, an hour and a half of the composer’s music. For about a week afterwards, I felt I might be in a different universe, transported and then abandoned by this composer’s unique style and vision. Ravel always goes to strange places, despite some of his works having become almost pop icons. The Rhapsodie Español was no exception, with its gentler moments truly surreal alongside the bravura and abandon of the feria. An encore of a Romance by Rachmaninov brought four concerts in four days to a close.

Incidentally, by the time we do this again next month, I will already have been to a further six concerts, equally varied and all of the same wonderful standard. I will also have been to Valencia for a performance of Rossini´s Il Viaggio a Reims, quite a change from the Elektra of Richard Strauss, which we heard last month. And, you may notice, I have not previously mentioned Valencia, which is just over an hour away and an easy return trip for an evening at the opera. I may even have had a pint or two in a Benidorm Brit bar, but a Sunday lunch with Y pud and real Bisto gravy out of the freezer I may just forego, but it is still there if I want it. Oh yes, there´s ballet from London´s Covent Garden live in our local cinema as well.

Years ago, as a recently arrived resident, I wrote A Culture of Benidorm to underline the fact that this cosmopolitan area is truly sophisticated in ways that casual observers of mass tourism may be completely unaware. It is possible on a visit to the northern Costa Blanca to hear a concert, stage work, opera, film or even a pop gig every night of the week, without travelling more than forty kilometres to a venue. Near Benidorm, you could do the same within ten kilometres, but you would have to forego the truly international events at Valencia´s opera or Palau de la Musica and the ADDA orchestra of Alicante. At least that is currently true, but when the new Cultural Centre in Benidorm opens, who knows what we might have on our doorstep?

Camisetas MESSI Todas las noticias, clasificaciones y resultados de las mejores ligas de fútbol en la sección de deportes de El Diario Vasco.

Resumen de Athletic Club vs Sevilla FC (0-1)

Un golazo de Delaney le da 3 importantes puntos al Sevilla FC en su visita a San Mamés. El Athletic Club encadena 8 partidos sin lograr la victoria #AthleticSevillaFC J17 LaLiga Santander 2021/2022

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La Liga 2011-12 Preview: Real Madrid Vs Osasuna

Real Madrid are set to host Osasuna on Sunday, November 6, 2011, in the La Liga.

Real Madrid are coming off a 1-0 away win against Real Sociedad in their last La Liga encounter. Higuain struck on 9 minutes to give Madrid an early lead and that was sufficient to ensure three points from the game for the visitors. The goal transpired after Fabio Coentrao advanced from his left-back position and who delivered a perfect pass to Higuain who scooped the ball over the advancing Claudio Bravo, into the Sociedad goal. Sociedad gave a better account of themselves in the second half but hardly troubled Madrid who remained dominant throughout and were in fact unlucky to miss a few more opportunities to score, most notably by Sergio Ramos, Di Maria and Ronaldo.

Osasuna beat Levante 2-0, in last week’s league match. Levante, who were on a seven-match unbeaten run, were handed their first loss of the season and forced to relinquish their top spot on the points table. Alvaro Cejudo put the home side ahead on 40 minutes and Nino made it 2-0, a few minutes later. The hosts were reduced to 10 men when Cejudo was sent off, with a second yellow, after the interval but had no difficulty keeping the Levante attack at bay, though Kone and Suarez came close to scoring.

Head to head, the teams have met in 20 league matches in the last 10 years; Real Madrid have won on 12 of those occasions, while Osasuna have won on 5, with the remaining 3 games drawn. The teams last met in January, in a game hosted by Osasuna, with the hosts winning 1-0.

Real Madrid who are currently at the top of the points table have won 8 of their last 10 games, with one loss and one draw completing the tally. Eighth placed Osasuna have won 3 and lost 2 of their last 10, with the remaining 5 games ending in stalemates.

Madrid have had a perfect home record this season, winning all four games hosted this far; Osasuna have drawn three and lost 2 of 5 games on the road.

Real Madrid’s starting eleven against Sociedad: Iker Cassilas, Fabio Coentrao, Pepe, Sergio Ramos, Alvaro Coca, Cristiano Ronaldo, Xabi Alonso, Mesut Ozil, Lassana Diarra, Angel Di Maria, and Gonzalo Higuain.

Osasuna’s starting eleven against Levante: Andres Fernandez, Sergio, Lolo, Jukka Raitala, Marc Bertran, Raul Garcia, Javad Nekounam, Francisco Punal, Ibrahima Balde, Juan Francisco Martinez, and Alvaro Cejudo.

Camisetas Jugadores Información de todo tipo de deporte incluyendo Fútbol Mexicano, Béisbol, NBA, Básquetbol, Fútbol Americano, NFL, Tenis, Boxeo, automovilismo y Golf.

Resumen de Sevilla FC vs Rayo Vallecano (3-0)

El Sevilla FC empieza la temporada con una rotunda victoria por 3-0 ante el Rayo Vallecano gracias al tanto de En-Nesyri y al doblete de Lamela #SevillaFCRayo J01 LaLiga Santander 2021/2022

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Camisetas Lisboa Últimas noticias de fútbol de 1ª división, la Champions League, UEFA, la Copa del Rey, equipos y mucho más

Messi Is a Better Player Than Cristiano Ronaldo

After losing the Player of the Year award (Ballon d’Or) to Lionel Messi for four consecutive years Cristiano Ronaldo won the accolade in 2013. This and the great start Ronaldo has made in the new season have livened up an old debate as to whether he is a better player than Messi.

The discussion has focused on a particular set of statistics, namely, goals. To the extent that the data can help us to hazard an educated guess about player performance, Messi is the better of the two at club and international levels.

However if goals are used as the criteria to compare players it is not sufficient to look only at the number of goals scored. You also have to break down the conversion rate into such things as whether the shots are from inside or outside the area, the goal expectation i.e. whether an average player would score given the chance presented and the quality of the opponents.


The findings of a recent mathematical study were published in the Washington Post which showed that in 2009 to 2013 Messi’s average chance quality (i.e. quality of chances created) was higher than Ronaldo’s. Ronaldo had more shots but were mostly from long distance and he only scored 30 goals from 587 such shots whereas Messi scored 28 goals from his 287 long distance shots. Messi was more efficient because a higher percentage of his shots were converted i.e. 9.75 % to 5.11%.

The study found that Messi is better at getting into goal-scoring positions since he had 29 danger zone shots (from inside the area) to Ronaldo’s 20.

Messi is also a better finisher. In the period 2009/10 through 2013/14 Messi averaged 40% more goals than expected goals compared to Ronaldo’s 20% (see WASHINGTON POST – Despite great season, Cristiano Ronaldo is not better than Lionel Messi; by Michael Caley, November 7, 2014).

Last season Ronaldo broke the norm and outscored Messi. This propelled him to win the Ballon d’Or in 2013. But this has to be looked at in light of the fact that Messi missed a part of the year through injury and when he resumed playing he almost caught up with Ronaldo’s tally of 31 by scoring 28 by the end of the 2013/14 season.

Also, in the current season Ronaldo has made a great start by scoring 12 non-penalty goals to Messi’s 7. A plausible explanation for this is not that Ronaldo is now a better player but it is attributed to the changing roles of both players at their respective clubs.

With the addition of Neymar and Luis Suarez on the flanks of Barcelona’s 4-3-3 formation Messi now plays a deep-lying playmaking role which has led to his goals trending down while his assists are going up. His goals per game fell from little under 1.50 in the season 2012/13 to 0.86 in 2014/15 while his assists in 2013/14 was little under 0.50 and rose to 0.86 in the current season.

At Real Madrid the trend was the opposite. With the recent addition of Gareth Bale and James Rodriques in the midfield Ronaldo is now more of a striker and less focused on distribution. He now takes more shots from inside the penalty area and in the current season his 12 non-penalty goals except for 2 were from inside the box. His goals per game rose from 1.00 in 2013/14 to 2.20 in 2014/15 while his assists in the same period fell from 0.25 to 0.17 (ESPN FC GLOBAL- Realigning Stars: Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo face changing roles; by Michael Cox, October 23, 2014).


Messi has a better strike rate than Ronaldo. The all time stats for all competitions show that Messi has 44 goals from 95 caps (0.46 goals per game) whereas Ronaldo has 51 from 116 caps (0.43 goals per game) (INTERNATIONAL STATS – November 8, 2014).

World Cup – Messi also surpasses Ronaldo with 5 goals from 15 caps (0.33 goals per game) to Ronaldo’s 3 goals from 13 caps (0.23 goals per game) (INTERNATIONAL STATS etc.).

Messi’s record is very impressive. In 2014 he led Argentina to the final, was voted Man of the Match in 4 games (the most of any player in the competition) and won the Golden Boot as the best player of the tournament.

Contrary to what some critics say he was the most deserving of the latter award. He had the most impact on the competition as Argentina would not have progressed to the final without him. He was the joint highest goal scorer with 4 goals and assists, created the most chances, had the most successful dribbling runs, made the most deliveries into the box and produced the most through balls of any player.

In contrast, Ronaldo has a sorry record. He has only scored thrice and against weak opposition, namely, a penalty against Iran (2006), the sixth goal in a 7-0 win against North Korea in 2010 and a late goal against Ghana in 2014. In the last tournament his only real contribution was an assist against the USA.


Messi has more career goals for club and country. He has a total of 420 goals in 564 games (or 0.74 goals per game) while Ronaldo has 449 goals in 702 games (or 0.63 goals per game).

The important difference is that the Argentine has more game changing goals and against stronger opposition. His goals are directly associated with winning titles in La Liga, Champions League victories, Olympic gold medal matches and Youth and Club World Cups.

For example, as at March 24, 2014 for Barcelona he has scored against the best teams namely, 21 against Real Madrid (Barcelona’s fiercest rival), 20 against league champion Atletico Madrid and 18 against Sevilla (most successful club in Andalusia). In the Champions League he has 12 against German teams, 8 against English teams and 5 against Italian teams. And in the World Cup 2014 he scored 4 match winning goals.

Ronaldo on the other hand has failed to score in decisive matches and succeeded in scoring multiple goals against weak teams not only with his club but with his country. For example, in the English Premier League for Manchester United he only scored 2 goals in 9 games against Liverpool (United’s fiercest rival) and scored 1 goal in 15 games against stalwart Chelsea.

In the Champions League for United he failed to net in his first 26 games and although he scored in the final in 2014 for Real Madrid he had little impact in the other final in which he played in 2009 in a 2-0 loss to Barcelona.

In Spain in his first 9 games against Barcelona (Real Madrid’s main rival) he scored just 3 goals.

In the World Cup he has a sorry record which was discussed above and in the European Championship he has 6 goals against minnows Greece, the Czech Republic and a weak Holland team and underperforms against strong teams like Germany and Spain.

All in all the stats show that Messi is the better player because he is better at getting into goal scoring positions, is a better finisher and is a more efficient goal scorer. Messi has an age advantage because he is 27 and Ronaldo is 29 and though it is likely that both will still be playing for a few more years the Argentine will have more time than Ronaldo to extend his record of achievements. In the meantime the debate goes on.

Victor A. Dixon
November 20, 2014

Camisetas Valencia Noticias de Fútbol – Diario de Noticias de Navarra

Resumen de Sevilla FC vs Villarreal CF (1-0)

El Sevilla FC se impone al Villarreal CF en un duelo intenso disputado en el Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán. Ocampos anotó el único gol del encuentro #SevillaFCVillarreal J16 LaLiga Santander 2021/2022

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Camisetas Nigeria Noticias generales de Fútbol, comentarios, resultados, estadísticas, posiciones, audios y videos

Your Travel Guide to Spain

Spain, a sovereign state in the Europe, located on the Mediterranean Sea is famous for its splendid beaches, delicious cuisine and the lively fiestas. It is an amazing destination that makes a perfect getaway spot for a long vacation with family and friends. Exploring the beauty of this destination involves a lot of planning that helps making your visit worthwhile. Here is a guide to Spain that would help you to make the best of your trip.

1. Barcelona: To start your trip to Spain, there could not be a better destination than Barcelona. This popular city of Spain is a popular tourist attraction that has everything, from historic architecture to lively shopping, vibrant culture and buzzing nightlife. La Sagrada Familia Church, Magic Fountain Show, Picasso Museum, Las Ramblas Street, the FC Barcelona museum & Camp Nou Stadium are the popular attractions of this wonderful city and shall not be missed at all. Book a cheap flight to Barcelona and fly at ultra-low fares.

2. Madrid: The capital city of Spain happens to be a colourful, cosmopolitan country which is a major hub for tourists from across the globe. The Royal Palace, dazzling plazas and vibrant nightlife act as a magnet that catch the attention of a large number of visitors. Buen Retiro Park, Plaza de Cibeles, Plaza de Espana, Royal Palace of Madrid, Sorolla Museum are a few of the top attractions of this fascinating city which could be explored while your visit here. Plan a visit soon by booking a cheap flight to Madrid now.

3. Granada: Located at the base of the huge mountain range of Sierra Nevada in Southern Spain, this beautiful city is famous for its spectacular attractions, traditional culture, historical and architectural sights and animated life. Spend a vacation here in this marvellous city and enjoy the sightseeing of the top attractions, such as Sierra Nevada, Palace of Charles V, Monastery of Saint Jerome, Granada Cathedral, Arc of Elvira etc. The magical aura of the city will steal your heart away. You can get a cheap flight and land to this astonishing city.

4. Seville: Phenomenal attractions, buoyant festivals and peppy nightlife make Seville a perfect spot for spending an exotic vacation with your friends and family. Home to many beautiful and important landmarks, the city has many more tourist attractions such as the Alcazar of Seville, Plaza de Espana, Maria Luisa Park, Giralda, Metropol Parasol, Seville Fair, Torre del Oro, etc. Also, do not forget to taste the famous oranges and relish your taste buds with the lip-smacking dishes and drinks that will make you feel in heaven.

5. Valencia: Valencia is one of the largest and important cities of Spain, which is located in the eastern part of the country. Famous for its Fallas Festival, the city is also a hub of Science and Arts architectural miracles. You can indulge yourself into giving your eyes a treat by visiting the famous sightseeing spots such as Llotja de la Seda, Valencia Bioparc, Mercado Central, Torres de Serranos, Valencia Cathedral, Museu de Belles Arts de Valencia, and many more.

Make your trip all the more exciting and wonderful by booking a cheap flight to Spain right away. Do not forget to take your camera and travel buddies along to have all the fun!

Camisetas Atlético de Madrid Entra y descubre las novedades sobre jugadores, clubes, fichajes y todo tipo de noticias relacionadas con las competiciones de LaLiga. ¡Vamos!

Champions League Draw – Chelsea Draw Barcelona For the Third Season Running

For the third season in succession Chelsea found themselves pitched against the current European champions, Barcelona in group A. Werder Bremen and Levski Sofia make up the quartet and it would be a huge surprise if either of those teams progressed.

In group B Inter Milan, Bayern Munich, Sporting Lisbon and Spartak Moscow will do battle. Bayern have been weakened by the loss of Ballack to Chelsea, but should still be good enough to get through. Inter Milan have strengthened at the expense of their scandal hit rivals in Italy and will be hard to beat.

Group C sees Liverpool, winners in 2005, returning to the scene of their Istanbul triumph to play Galatasaray. Turkish football seems to have gone off the boil and Gala might struggle against both PSV Eindhoven and Bordeaux.

Group D pitches Valencia, Roma, Olympiakos and the dangerous Shaktar Donetsk, and the first two should make the last sixteen.

Group E sees the most successful European team ever, Real Madrid against Lyon, Steau Bucharest and Dynamo Kiev. Real begin the campaign under the returning Fabio Capello and they should improve on last season’s dismal performance. Lyon under Gerard Houllier are still improving and should qualify.

Group F coughs up an Anglo-Scottish clash. Manchester United sent a reserve team up to Glasgow just before the season started and duly thumped the Scottish champions 3-0. Not many give Celtic much chance against United’s first XI who have started the season on fire. Benfica look dangerous again. They knocked both United and Liverpool out last term and will need to be respected. FC Copenhagen makes up the quartet and may surprise a few people.

Group G features Arsenal, last year’s beaten finalists, and they take on Porto, CSKA Moscow and Hamburg, not an easy group on paper for any of them and Arsenal will have to improve on early poor results at their brand new stadium. But expect them to qualify. No London team has ever won the European Cup/Champions League and Arsenal are desperate to beat their rivals Chelsea and Spurs (they’re in the UEFA cup this time) to that particular honour. But Arsenal have lost several notable players such as Pires, Campbell and Bergkamp and though they have young rapidly improving players like Van Persie and Walcott, it is hard to envisage them picking up the trophy this time round.

Group H sees the banned, but reinstated AC Milan host surprise qualifiers Lille, AEK Athens and Anderlecht. Expect AC to win the group comfortably, and the others to all take points from one another.

For those who like a bet, early odds quoted go: Barca 4/1 favourite, Chelsea 5/1, Real 9/1, AC Milan 10/1, Man Utd 11/1, Inter 13/1, Arsenal and Liverpool 18/1 and 20/1 plus on all the others. You can still get a free $30 bet at by inputting the code 6CHE3VPWJ when required.

So who will land the pot of gold of the Champions League this year? Barca have added Thuram and Zambrotta from Italy, but they were surprisingly smacked 3-0 by their compatriots Sevilla in the Super Cup, the match between the Champions League and UEFA cup winners. Barca displayed a surprising weakness in the centre of their defence and John Terry and his pals at Stamford Bridge are certain to have noted that. Best of the outsiders is the fast improving Lyon.

Chelsea have added Ballack and the wonderful Shevchenko, and may be Ashley Cole too. As I have written elsewhere, I think Chelsea can do it this time. They would surely trade the Premier League title for the Champions League. But what do I know? I’m still working for a living. Make up your own mind. Good watching.

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